ف َخَرَجَ الرّائِي ياهُو بْنُ حَنانِي للِقائِه. وَقالَ ياهُو لِلمَلِكِ يَهُوشافاطَ: «لِماذا خَرَجْتَ لتُساعدَ أشراراً؟ وَلِماذا أحبَبتَ هَؤُلاءِ الَّذِينَ يُبغضُونَ اللهَ ؟ اللهُ غاضبٌ عَلَيكَ مِنْ أجلِ هَذا.
Jehu the son of Hanani the man who tells what will happen in the future went out to meet King Jehoshaphat, and said to him, “Should you help the sinful? Should you love those who hate the Lord? Because of this, the Lord is angry with you.
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