ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 6:6 ~ 1 Kings 6:6


و َكانَتِ الحُجُراتُ تَتَكِئُ عَلَى حائِطَ الهَيكَلِ. لَكِنَّ جُسُورَها لَمْ تَكُنْ مَبنِيَّةً داخِلَ الحائِطِ. فَكانَ سُمْكُ حائِطِ الهَيكَلِ فِي أعلاهُ أقَلَّ مِنْ سُمكِهِ فِي أسْفَلِهِ. وَهَكَذا كانَ عَرْضُ الحُجُراتِ فِي الطّابِقِ السُّفلِيِّ خَمسَ أذْرُعٍ، وَعَرْضُها فِي الطّابِقِ الأوسَطِ سِتَّ أذْرُعٍ، وَعَرْضُها فِي الطّابِقِ العُلوِيِّ سَبْعَ أذْرُعٍ.

The bottom floor was as wide as three steps. The second floor was as wide as three long steps. And the third floor was as wide as four steps. For around the outside of the house he made places for the large wood cross-pieces to rest on. That way they would not need to be put into holes in the walls of the house.

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