ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 2:30 ~ 1 Kings 2:30


ف َدَخَلَ بَناياهُو خَيمَةَ اللهِ وَقالَ لِيُوآبَ: «يَقُولُ لَكَ المَلِكُ: ‹اخْرُجْ!›» فَأجابَ يُوآبُ: «لا، بَلْ أمُوتُ هُنا.» فَرَجِعَ بَناياهُو إلَى المَلِكِ وَأخبَرَهُ بِما قالَهُ يُوآبُ.

Benaiah came to the tent of the Lord. He said to Joab, “The king says to come out.” But Joab said, “No! I will die here.” So Benaiah returned to the king and said, “This is what Joab said. This is how he answered me.”

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