ﺗﻜﻮﻳﻦ 24:40 ~ Genesis 24:40


ف َقالَ لِي: ‹لَقَدْ عِشْتُ فِي حَضْرَةِ اللهِ ، وَأنا أعرِفُ أنَّهُ سَيُرْسِلُ مَلاكَهُ مَعَكَ، وَسَيُوَفِّقُكَ فِي رِحلَتِكَ. وَسَتَأْخُذُ زَوْجَةً لابْنِي مِنْ بَناتِ أقارِبِي وَبَيتِ أبِي.

And he said to me, The Lord, in Whose presence I walk, will send His Angel with you and prosper your way, and you will take a wife for my son from my kindred and from my father’s house.

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