Lamentations 2:11 ~ ﻣﺮﺍﺛﻲ ﺇﺭﻣﻴﺎ 2:11


M ine eyes are consumed with tears, my bowels are troubled; my liver is poured upon the earth, because of the ruin of the daughter of my people; because infant and suckling swoon in the streets of the city.

جَفَّتْ مِنْ عَينَيَّ الدُّمُوعُ. وَأحشائِي تَضْطَرِبُ. يَتَقَطَّعُ كَبِدِي عَلَى دَمارِ شَعبِي، إذْ يُغمَى عَلَى الأطفالِ وَالرُّضَّعِ فِي ساحاتِ المَدِينَةِ.

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