2 Corinthians 8:1 ~ ﻛﻮﺭﻧﺜﻮﺱ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻴﺔ 8:1


W e want to tell you further, brethren, about the grace (the favor and spiritual blessing) of God which has been evident in the churches of Macedonia;

وَالآنَ أيُّها الإخوَةُ، نُرِيدُ أنْ نُطلِعَكُمْ عَلَى نِعمَةِ اللهِ الَّتِي أُعطِيَتْ لِلكَنائِسِ فِي مُقاطَعَةِ مَكدُونِيَّةَ.

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