F or observe what this same godly sorrow has done for you and has produced in you: what eagerness and earnest care to explain and clear yourselves '> complicity in the condoning of incest], what indignation, what alarm, what yearning, what zeal, what readiness to mete out punishment '> to the offender]! At every point you have proved yourselves cleared and guiltless in the matter.
Titiro hoki, ko taua mea nei ano, ko ta te Atua whakapouritanga i a koutou, na, tana mahinga nui i roto i a koutou, ae ra, nga kupu whakatikatika i a koutou, te riri, te wehi, te hiahia, te ngakau nui, te whakapa riri! I nga mea katoa kua whakak ite nui koutou, kahore o koutou hara i tenei mea.
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