N ow about this time, when the number of the disciples was greatly increasing, complaint was made by the Hellenists (the Greek-speaking Jews) against the Hebrews because their widows were being overlooked and neglected in the daily ministration (distribution of relief).
فِي تِلكَ الأيّامِ كانَ عَدَدُ التَّلامِيذِ يَتَزايَدُ. فَتَذَمَّرَ اليَهُودُ النّاطِقُونَ بِاليُونانِيَّةِ مِنَ اليَهُودِ النّاطِقِينَ بِالأرامِيَّةِ، لِأنَّهُ كانَ يَتِمُّ تَجاهُلُ أرامِلِهُمْ فِي التَّوزِيعِ اليَومِيِّ.
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